Samstag, 23. Mai 2009

Bloodbound :: Tabula Rasa (2009)

Tabula Rasa
Blistering Records
Heavy/Power Metal
April 21, 2009

In the summer of 2004 the two long-time friends Tomas Olsson and Fredrik Bergh decided to go back to their musical roots and start a metal band, they teamed up with Urban Breed and Oskar Belin to form bloodbound.
A demo was made and shipped off to a bunch of record labels around the world in order to get a record-deal. After a couple of weeks the offers started to drop in and the band was overwhelmed by the great response they had gotten. A record-deal was signed with Metal Heaven for the European territory and with Marquee/Avalon for the Asian territory.
In 2005 they started the recordings of their debut album "Nosferatu" which was released in early 2006, and became a big success with top reviews around the world. Straight after the recordings Oskar Belin left the band because he didn't have the time to go on tour and play live, Pelle Åkerlind (Morgana Lefay) was added to the line-up to replace him. The album took them on tour playing gigs with bands like Arch Enemy, Dark Tranquillity, Evergrey, Pretty Maids and Sabaton to name a few. The success of the album also gave them a license deal with Rock Machine Records, Brazil and Mystic Empire, Russia later that year.
During the 2006 tour they had some "in and out members" including Kristian Andrén (Wuthering Heights, Memento Mori, Tad Morose), Johan Sohlberg (The Storyteller), Jörgen Andersson (Baltimoore) and Markus Albertson (Seven Sins). At the end of the tour Urban Breed decided to leave the band to focus a 100% on his long planned solo project.
After a very turbulent and hectic year they really felt that they needed some stability in the band and asked Tomas' younger brother Henrik Olsson (guitar) and Johan Sohlberg (bass) to join the band as permanent members. They accepted and the band started to work on their second studio album "Book Of The Dead". The spot as bloodbound's new lead singer was not yet filled and it took the band a while to find a worthy replacement. After a lot of searching and auditioning the band finally decided to go with German born Michael Bormann (Jaded Heart, Bonfire, J.R. Blackmore, Rain) who joined the band in early January 2007. The album "Book Of The Dead" was recorded during January and February 2007 and was released on May 25th 2007.
The word of the band had by now started to spread and the new album got them on tour with Hammerfall, which gave them the opportunity to play for a bigger crowd. It also led to playing bigger festivals such as the Sweden Rock Festival. Shortly after the release of "Book Of The Dead" the band realized that with Michael's busy schedule it would be impossible to do all the live shows coming up. Urban Breed was asked to stand in, and ended up doing all the shows for the tour and eventually got back with the band. At the end of 2007 the band started to work on their third studio album. The planned release date is set for September 2008.

01. Sweet Dreams Of Madness
02. Dominion 5
03. Take One
04. Tabula Rasa
05. Night Touches You
06. Tabula Rasa Pt.II (Nothing At All)
07. Plague Doctor
08. Master Of My Dreams
09. Twisted Kind Of Fate
10. All Rights Reserved
11. The Crying Kitten


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