Montag, 15. Dezember 2008

Civet :: Discography

Nearly 30 years removed from The Runaways breakthrough, this just-out-of-high-school O.C. four-piece is more a product of the intervening decade's hardcore, riot-grrl and edgier sounds than the glam-hard-rock axis around which The Runaways revolved. Still, underneath the magnified freedoms of punk rock and an understanding indie label, Civet's tales of teenage lives ring many of the same bells as The Runaways stories of being set loose on the Sunset Strip. Civet plays a whole lot tighter than The Runaways generally managed, and Liza Graves' vocals sound like Joan Jett, Paula Pierce and Courtney Love ramped up-tempo to hardcore word-spitting pace. While The OC's Seth Cohen is busy listening to mope-rock, Civet presents a picture from the other side of the tracks (or maybe the boat ramp): loud, fast, and pissed off.

Civet - Civet (2003)
Civet - Massacre (2005)
Civet - Hell Heath No Fury (2008)

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